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Value for Money

Value for Money (VFM) underpins the delivery of the Group’s vision and our key strategic aims.

The housing regulator in England, the Regulator of Social Housing requires housing providers to articulate and deliver a comprehensive approach to achieving value for money. This is to take account of the corporate objectives, along with the interests and commitments we share with our stakeholders.

This means managing resources economically, efficiently and effectively to provide quality services and homes, and delivering year-on-year improvements in value for money.

We are focused on providing good value for money. Our customers want good quality homes and services but expect us to be as efficient and effective as possible so that we can keep costs down.

In order to inform and involve tenants, we give frequent updates on our website and in our Tenant Annual Reviews to show how we are using our resources to provide services.

We want customers to be able to see how we manage performance and how our Tenant Scrutiny Panel helps us to raise standards.

Our value for money self assessment gives our stakeholders arounded picture of how we have performed against our VFM targets for 2022/23, how we have progressed since last year and how we intend to deliver VFM in the future.

We report on the metrics prescribed by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) in its VFM Standard 2018.

We also report on some of our additional metrics. We are confident that we have complied with this VFM Standard in full.

The board is committed to ensuring that VFM is embedded in both our culture and decision making processes